Example Report (HLR)


Total MSISDNs (n) 8,500
Completed Lookups 8,500 (100%)
Pending Lookups 0 (0%)
First Lookup 2020-08-11 23:59:38.490+0300
Last Result 2020-08-12 00:01:23.227+0300
Performance 4,065 seconds total at 42.09 results per second.
Cost 84.98 EUR

Mobile Network Operators

The analyzed data contains a total of 5 distinct mobile network operators (MNOs). Swisscom (CH) has been detected the most with 4,766 (56 %) MSISDNs belonging to this network. It's followed by Sunrise (CH) with 3,447 (41 %) MSISDNs and Salt (CH) in third place with a total of 238 (3 %) detected MSISDNs.

MNO Country Count (n) Count (%) MCCMNCs
LycamobileCH310 %22854
SaltCH2383 %22803
SunriseCH3,44741 %22802
SwisscomCH4,76656 %22801
N/AN/A180 %N/A

Connectivity Statuses

This sample contains 8500 MSISDNs. 4334 (51%) out of these numbers mobile phone numbers are connected to their mobile network and currently reachable. 744 (9%) of the mobile phone numbers are valid but currently absent (e.g. the target device is switched off or out of network reach). 3307 (39) MSISDNs returned as invalid numbers and 115 (1%) of numbers ran into an exception or another kind of error and their connectivity status could not be determined. 0 (0%) of the MSISDNs are still queued on currently being processed.

Connectivity Status Count (n) Count (%) Description
CONNECTED 4,334 51 % Indicates that the number is valid and the target handset is currently connected to the mobile network (and reachable).
ABSENT 744 9 % Indicates that the number is valid but the target handset is currently switched off or out of network reach.
INVALID_MSISDN 3,307 39 % Indicates that the number is not currently assigned to any subscriber on the mobile network or otherwise invalid.
UNDETERMINED 115 1 % Indicates that the connectivity status could not be determined and the connectivity status is unknown. This can be caused by invalid numbers, due to lack of connectivity to the target network operator, or other exceptions and errors.
NO RESULT 0 0 % The lookup is queued or processing. The result is not available yet but will be once the job completes.

Connectivity Statuses by Mobile Network Operator

This section describes the connectivity status distribution by mobile network operator. The most connected subscribers were detected on the Swisscom network with 2,363 MSISDNs or an extraction rate of 50%. The highest number of absent subscribers was at Swisscom with 721 MSISDNs disconnected or 15% of all Swisscom MSISDNs.

LycamobileCH310 %3 (10 %)6 (19 %)22 (71 %)0 (0 %)
SaltCH2383 %221 (93 %)17 (7 %)0 (0 %)0 (0 %)
SunriseCH3,44741 %1,747 (51 %)0 (0 %)1,619 (47 %)81 (2 %)
SwisscomCH4,76656 %2,363 (50 %)721 (15 %)1,650 (35 %)32 (1 %)

Processing Statuses

This sample contains 8,500 MSISDNs. 8,500 (100%) of those have mobile phone numbers have been processed. 0 (0%) lookups are still queued or being processed. 8,426 (99%) lookups have have received a valid response from the HLR (or MNP DB) while 0 (0%) queries have been rejected without charge (because the numbers were invalid or due to lack of network connectivity to the target operator). 74 (1%) of the lookups have failed due to an error or other exception.

Processing Status Count (n) Count (%) Description
QUEUED 0 0 % The lookup is queued and pending execution.
PROCESSING 0 0 % The lookup is currently being processed.
COMPLETED 8,426 99 % The lookup query was completed with a valid response from the HLR.
REJECTED 0 0 % The MSISDN does not qualify for a lookup and has been rejected.
FAILED 74 1 % The lookup query was processed but some error or exception occurred.

IMSIs, MSCs, Ported and Roaming Data (*)

A total of 0 (0 %) IMSIs was extracted from the analyzed sample. The data contains 0 (0 %) serving MSCs. 680 (8 %) MSISDNs were ported and 10 (0 %) subscribers where in roaming mode.

Data Point Count (n) Extraction Rate (%) Description
IMSI00 %Extracted International Mobile Subscriber Identities (IMSI).
Serving MSC00 %Extracted Mobile Switching Centers (MSC).
Ported6808 %Extracted Ported MSISDNs.
Roaming100 %Extracted Roaming Subscribers.

* Availability of MSC, IMSI and roaming info depends on the target network operator.

IMSIs, MSCs, Ported and Roaming Data per Mobile Network Operator

N/A had an extraction rate of 0 % for IMSIs. That's 0 IMSIs for 18 submitted MSISDNs. 0 MSCs could be extracted for Lycamobile, which equals an extraction rate of 0 % for 31 submitted MSISDNs and out of 238 MSISDNs belonging to Salt 100 % were ported. That is 237 numbers overall.

MNO Country Count (n) Count (%) IMSI * MSC * Ported Roaming *
LycamobileCH310 %0 (0 %)0 (0 %)31 (100 %)0 (0 %)
SaltCH2383 %0 (0 %)0 (0 %)237 (100 %)0 (0 %)
SunriseCH3,44741 %0 (0 %)0 (0 %)242 (7 %)0 (0 %)
SwisscomCH4,76656 %0 (0 %)0 (0 %)170 (4 %)10 (0 %)
N/AN/A180 %0 (0 %)0 (0 %)0 (0 %)0 (0 %)

* Availability depends on the target network operator.

Used Routes

This table lists the HLR lookup routes used in the analyzed data set. Please inspect the routing options page to determine which routes are most suitable and performant for your use cases.

Route Count (n) Count (%) MCCMNC IMSI* MSC * Ported Roaming *
E108,500100 %YesNoNoYesYes

* Availability depends on the target network operator.